Joining Scatterwalk Academy |
Who Can Join? If you are interested in role-playing and wish to learn or if you have played role-playing games before and seek to join others who enjoy it, please apply. All are eligible, there are no age limits or dues. The sessions are loosely scheduled and take little time. We are simply a group of friends scattered across the world who enjoy spending time together as people other than ourselves, who are always on the lookout for more friends to join us. Benefits of Joining There are several benefits to becoming a member of the Guilds of Scatterwalk. Our members are close friends, and closer allies, and we have a great time when we get together and seek to share that enjoyment with others. There are no requirements or prerequisites, nor any obligations, though we prefer only those with genuine interest apply. That is the reason for the application process, though it is a simple and quick form one must fill out. For more benefits of joining see the Becoming a Member page on the Scatterwalk site. |
How Can You Join? To join we need a completed application to tell us about your character and what role you would like to play in our Academy. Unfortunately all the teaching positions have been filled, though we are always looking for new talent and student instructors are not rare. To join simply click on the link below and fill out the short application on our Becoming a Member page, then go to our message board and give a brief description of your character and reason for interest. Once submitted one of our staff will contact you by email in a reasonable time. We thank you for your interest in our Academy and hope to read your application soon. We are always accepting new students, so feel free to join at any time. |
Of all the
journeys one takes in a lifetime, those taken with friends are the
easiest to bear. |