About the Master
Eleri Ystudfach, Bard
of Edgewood, Southland Skald, Keeper of Scatterwalk and Master of the
Academy is a busy and often missing leader. The child of a Celtic
noble and a Norse warrior, Eleri is a bard without a people. As the
chairman of the faculty for the Academy and sister to the owner of the Keep, all
students and teachers are Eleri's dominion. All must seek approval
from the Office of the Bard to be accepted to the Academy. This sounds
more difficult than perhaps it is, simply because behind the seemingly
unseeing eyes that play across all that is happening lies a thoughtful
and quick mind. Though called soft-hearted by friends and close
relatives, the Southland's Skald shows none of that emotion to those
watching. Only the sound of pan pipes gently playing a soft melody that
often wafts through the corridors near the Office tells of any
imagination or contemplation on the part of the Keeps master. Enemies
know of the steel determination and true ferocity of the gentle leader,
they can not imagine a more deadly or viscous foe.


The Divine Order of Manteis
The Order of the
Green's members are as varied as their Master's blood. They include
Celtic druids and bards, Norse skalds and Runecasters, and even druids
of nature and rangers. They are all united in the common purpose of
protecting their families and the natural order found in nature. They
seek to keep the world natural and free of pollution and the corrupting
influence of greed. All are good or neutral in mindset but will fight
to defend those things that nature has decried sacred. Eleri's own
faith, that of Correll the Green Man, is the Celtic belief and
coincides with the nature-loving druids and rangers, and curiously the
neutral mindset of the skalds and Runecasters. All do not necessarily
follow Correll, but their beliefs in his tenets of faith truly keep
them united. They are constantly fighting the encroachment of the vile
orc and goblin raiders and even keep the dreaded Stalkers from taking
hold of the area. |