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The Ban

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   Shadowstorm's final thoughts pounded almost painfully through the minds of all dragons. Many held their claws against their earholes to block the nonexistant sound or buried themselves farther into the soft earth to avoid the wrath that was sure to come. As the last of his message drifted off, all the dragons, good and evil alike, felt their heartbeat slow and their blood run cold, slowly turning each to stone. Ancient mothers watched their unhatched eggs and young hatchlings become statues before succumbing to the Ban, the people of the inner shores watched as the great red dragon GrinSkull, still fighting the chasing avatars, began to lose his color and turn to a large grey statue and crash into the Inner Sea, creating the island now known as the Badlands, still called GrinSkull Isle by the elves though few remember the stories that tell why. The ink-black storm and the three remaining avatars disappeared as the stone dragon hit the waves. That was the last time any of the chromatic or metallic dragon races ever graced the surface or depths of the world. As well as the last time the avatars of the gods were allowed upon the world by the overseer of the gods.
   Only BurnClaw remained unaffected by the momentous events. He continued to slumber unaware of the complete destruction of the race of dragons and was, unknown to him and most others, the only dragon on the planet for nearly two millenia. Until ShadowStorm announced he would scatter his life-force into the realm and the shield that held the rest of Realmspace at bay and become one with this plane until his rebirth as a common resident of the world. He placed two greater gods over the two pantheons. Shade and Shine, one to lead and maintain the evil gods and the negative planes and one to control the gods of good and the positive planes. He left for them instructions to remain off the world using their templar-armies to affect the face of the planet and to remember the lesson of the dragons, uncontrolled jealousy and greed would be punish severely.

   Shadowstorm also told those who attended him that the return of his twin souls would be heralded by the awakening of BurnClaw, whose slumber was a product of his magic and would fade until the world had healed from the rampant wars and the Ban had lost enough power to safely allow the dragon lifeforces to thrive.
   When the gods felt his power rush into every atom on the plane, the gods of the negative planes quickly allowed the remaining dragons to return to the plane, who felt it must be safe due to the existance of the elemental dragons. The gods of good hesitantly allowed the dragons of life and light to return to the planet, after seeing the evil dragons suffer no ill effects, to maintain the balance of power upon the world. No mortal remembered BurnClaw, and only the gods knew of his existance and the prophesy that gave his sleep such importance. The dragons feared to seek him knowing the greatest god would return and enforce his will again upon them. Only the disobiedient evil powers sought the dragon and were compelled by the laws of the two greater powers from actively seeking his resting place. Without being able to send their spies and servants to find and destroy the dragon, they set into motion certain events that would proceed the eventual search for the red wyrm, and would insure their agents would be among those who sought the dragon. Most importantly they chose these agents from among those who would prefer the dragon die before he awoke and be torn apart for the magical components of the ancient wyrms hide and body. Now the dragon is sought by those who follow the powers of good and evil, each for their own purpose though none know what realm splitting repercusions their actions may incur. Should the overseer's word be made false many believe he would never return, while many more believe that would tear apart the very raveling of the plane and destroy them all.

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